The Bill Raskob Foundation

The Bill Raskob Foundation (BRF) honors the memory of a son of John Raskob, who died while attending college. It offers no interest educational loans to US citizens. To be eligible, a student must attend an accredited college or university. In addition, loans are not available for students for their first year of undergraduate study. While BRF does not offer scholarships or grants, no interest loans are a rare educational opportunity. Loans tend to be between $3,000 and $5,000 per year.
While not guaranteed, a student who receives one loan will likely be approved for additional loans for the remaining years of school. However, students must reapply each year in order to be considered for additional loans.
Applications may be downloaded at the BRF web site, but only between January 1st and April 1st. Last year's application may be viewed here. Signed applications must be received by mail at the Foundation prior to May 1st to be eligible for consideration. Repayment of individual loans begins six months after graduation (or when the student stops the pursuit of the Degree) or twelve months for medical students.
Visit the BRF home page for more information.
Copyright © 2002-2005 by Jakob Raskob