About Our Web Site
Raskob.com is a personal web site dedicated to interesting people and organizations named Raskob. Despite the dot com suffix, there is no business transacted here. Many images on the site were downloaded from other web sites and are assumed to be in the public domain. If you believe that any image has been used in violation of your copyright, please notify us by sending an email.
This site was created, in part, as a research project on Internet web page
accessibility. This page and all pages within the site have been validated
to insure they are accessible to surfers with visual impairments. For
more information on standards for accessibility, visit the W3C
accessibility web site. If you have any comments or suggestions
on how to make the site a friendlier place to our friends with disabilities,
please feel free to contact
This is a Microsoft-free web site. It resides on a Linux
box using Apache web server software.
Most important, it was written without using Microsoft's web
authoring software, Frontpage. This is another accessibility issue.
Frontpage can create pages that are only viewable using Internet Explorer.
This sort of arrogance is enough to make me want to try to use alternate
software. How about you?
Copyright © 2002-2005 by Jakob Raskob